Chia sẻ Cần giúp đỡ rewrite tag trong vbb

Thảo luận trong 'Htaccess - URL Rewrite' bắt đầu bởi quangtrung3108, 6/8/14.

  1. quangtrung3108 PageRank 1 Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Chào Ad và tất cả các bạn trong diễn đàn vnseo. Mình cũng là một seoer amater. Cũng xây dựng diễn đàn chém gió chơi. Những đang vướng mắc một vấn đề là đường link của tag. Mình muốn rewrite nhứ thế này

    Hiện tại
    Link mong muốn
    File htaccess
    RewriteEngine On
    # RewriteBase /
    # If you are having problems or are using VirtualDocumentRoot, uncomment this line and set it to your vBulletin directory.
    #Loai bo forum.php
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /.*forum\.php\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^(.*)forum\.php$ /forum/$1 [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
    # Forum
    RewriteRule ^baiviet/.* showthread.php [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^forums/.* forumdisplay.php [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^members/.* member.php [QSA]
    File class_friendly_url

    <?php if (!class_exists('vB_Database')) exit;
    || #################################################################### ||
    || # vBulletin 4.2.0
    || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
    || # Copyright ©2000-2012 vBulletin Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved. ||
    || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
    || # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
    || # | # ||
    || #################################################################### ||
    * Friendly URL types
    * @TODO: move to constants in vB_Friendly_Url
    define('FRIENDLY_URL_OFF', 0);
    define('FRIENDLY_URL_BASIC',   1);
    define('FRIENDLY_URL_ADVANCED', 2);
    define('FRIENDLY_URL_REWRITE',  3);
    define('SEO_NOSESSION', 1);
    define('SEO_JS', 2);
    define('SEO_FULLURL', 4);
    define('SEO_FULLURL_FORCEBBURL', 8);
     * Base class for friendly URLs.
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    abstract class vB_Friendly_Url
        * Regex to clean fragments.
        * @var string
       const CLEAN_URL_REGEX = '*([\s$+,/:=\?@"\'<>%{}|\\^~[\]\.\\\`\r\n\t\x00-\x1f\x7f]|(?(?<!&)#|#(?![0-9]+;))|&(?!#[0-9]+;)|(?<!&#\d|&#\d{2}|&#\d{3}|&#\d{4}|&#\d{5});)*s';
        * Unicode URL options
        * @var int
       const UNI_IGNORE = 0;
       const UNI_CONVERT = 1;
       const UNI_STRIP = 2;
        * Canonical URL options
        * @var int
       const CANON_OFF = 0;
       const CANON_STANDARD = 1;
       const CANON_STRICT = 2;
        * The current resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $id;
        * The current title of the resource.
        * @var string
       protected $title;
        * The URL parsed from the request.
        * @var string
       protected static $request_url;
        * The URI parsed from the request.
        * @var string
       protected static $request_uri;
        * Whether we have parsed the request uri.
        * @var bool
       protected static $parsed_request;
        * The resolved uri for the friendly url.
        * @var string
       protected $uri;
        * The request variable for the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idvar;
        * Page info.
        * Additional properties to either build into the link path or always add to the
        * query string.
        * @var array
       protected $pageinfo = array();
        * Link info index of the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idkey = 'id';
        * Link info index of the title.
        * @var string
       protected $titlekey = 'title';
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array();
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script;
       protected $script_base_option_name;
        * The rewrite segment to identify this friendly url type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment;
        * Reference to the $vbulletin registry.
        * @var vB_Registry
       protected $registry;
        * URL options bitfield.
        * Whether to include the session hash or whether the link is for js.
        * @see SEO_NOSESSION, SEO_JS, __construct(), get_qs_arguments()
        * @var int
       protected $urloptions = 0;
        * Whether to use the friendly uri in POST requests.
        * @var bool
       protected $parse_post;
        * Whether to always set the route, even if friendly urls are off.
        * @var bool
       protected $always_route;
        * Constructor.
        * Note: The factory method must be used to create a vB_Friendly_Url.
        * @see vB_Friendly_Url::fetchLibrary()
        * @param vB_Registry $registry         - Reference to the vBulletin registry
        * @param array $linkinfo           - Info about the link, the id, title etc
        * @param array $pageinfo           - Additional info about the required request; pagenumber and query string
        * @param string $idkey             - Override the key in $linkinfo for the resource id
        * @param string $titlekey           - Override the key in $linkinfo for the resource title
        * @param int $urloptions           - Bitfield of environment options SEO_NOSESSION, SEO_JS, etc
       protected function __construct (
         $linkinfo = null,
         $pageinfo = null,
         $idkey = false,
         $titlekey = false,
         $urloptions = 0
         $this->idkey = $idkey ? $idkey : $this->idkey;
         $this->titlekey = $titlekey ? $titlekey : $this->titlekey;
         $this->registry =& $registry;
         $this->urloptions = $urloptions;
         // Ensure linkinfo and pageinfo are arrays
         $linkinfo = $linkinfo ? (array)$linkinfo : null;
         $pageinfo = $pageinfo ? (array)$pageinfo : null;
         // Resolve the rewrite segment that identifies the script
         if (!$this->rewrite_segment)
           if (defined('VB_ROUTER_SEGMENT'))
             $this->rewrite_segment = VB_ROUTER_SEGMENT;
             $pathinfo = pathinfo(SCRIPT);
             $this->rewrite_segment = $pathinfo['filename'];
         // If $linkinfo isn't set then parse it from the request
         $linkinfo ? $this->set_linkinfo($linkinfo) : $this->consume_request_uri();
         // Set the pageinfo
         if ($pageinfo)
        * Factory method.
        * @param vB_Registry $registry         - Reference to the vBulletin registry
        * @param string $link             - The type of link to create and additional link options
        * @param array $linkinfo           - Info about the link, the id, title etc
        * @param array $pageinfo           - Additional info about the required request; pagenumber and query string
        * @param string $idkey             - Override the key in $linkinfo for the resource id
        * @param string $titlekey           - Override the key in $linkinfo for the resource title
        * @return vB_Friendly_Url           - The apprpriate friendly url class
       public static function fetchLibrary(&$registry, $link, $linkinfo = null, $pageinfo = null, $idkey = null, $titlekey = null)
         global $show;
         $linkoptions = explode('|', $link);
         $linktype = $linkoptions[0];
         $urloptions = 0;
         if (in_array('nosession', $linkoptions))
           $urloptions += SEO_NOSESSION;
         if (in_array('js', $linkoptions))
           $urloptions += SEO_JS;
         if (in_array('bburl', $linkoptions))
           $urloptions += SEO_FULLURL + SEO_FULLURL_FORCEBBURL;
         if (in_array('fullurl', $linkoptions))
           $urloptions += SEO_FULLURL;
         //this can be called prior to the Hooks system being set up so we need to shield it.
         if (class_exists('vBulletinHook'))
           // Allow hooks to override the class
           ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('friendlyurl_resolve_class')) ? eval($hook) : false;
         if (!isset($class))
           $class = 'vB_Friendly_Url_' . ucfirst($linktype);
         if (class_exists($class, false))
           $instance = new $class($registry, $linkinfo, $pageinfo, $idkey, $titlekey, $urloptions);
           $instance = new vB_Friendly_Url_Error($linktype);
         return $instance;
        * Checks if the friendly url is relevant for this request.
        * @return bool
       protected function is_eligible()
         return $this->parse_post OR ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET');
        * Sets the linkinfo properties.
        * @param array mixed $linkinfo
       protected function set_linkinfo(array $linkinfo)
         //if the id isn't set, don't force it to 0.
         $this->id = $linkinfo[$this->idkey];
         if ($this->id OR $this->id === 0)
           $this->id = intval($this->id);
         $this->title = $linkinfo[$this->titlekey];
         // Unset the uri as it has changed
        * Sets the pageinfo properties.
        * @param array mixed $pageinfo
       protected function set_pageinfo(array $pageinfo)
         $this->pageinfo = $pageinfo;
        * Cleans output to be parsed into the uri.
        * Setting $canonical is useful for creating redirect url's that cannot be
        * encoded for redirects.
        * @param string $fragment
        * @param bool $canonical               - Whether to encode for output
        * @return string
       public static function clean_fragment($fragment, $canonical = false)
         global $vbulletin;
         if (class_exists('vBulletinHook', false))
           ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('friendlyurl_clean_fragment')) ? eval($hook) : false;
         // Convert to UTF-8
         if (self::UNI_CONVERT == $vbulletin->options['friendlyurl_unicode'])
           // convert to UTF-8
           $fragment = to_utf8($fragment, $vbulletin->userinfo['lang_charset']);
           // convert NCRs
           $fragment = unhtmlspecialchars($fragment, true);
         else if (self::UNI_STRIP == $vbulletin->options['friendlyurl_unicode'])
           // strip NCRs
           $fragment = stripncrs($fragment);
         // Remove url entities
         $fragment = self::clean_entities($fragment);
         // Prepare the URL for output
         if (!$canonical AND (self::UNI_CONVERT == $vbulletin->options['friendlyurl_unicode']) AND ('UTF-8' != $vbulletin->userinfo['lang_charset']))
           if (is_browser('ie'))
             if ($vbulletin->options['friendlyurl_ncrencode'])
               $fragment = ncrencode($fragment, true);
             $fragment = urlencode($fragment);
         else if ($canonical AND (self::UNI_IGNORE == $vbulletin->options['friendlyurl_unicode']))
           // ensure NCRs are converted
           $fragment = unhtmlspecialchars($fragment, true);
         return $fragment;
        * Replaces url entities with -
        * @param string $fragment
        * @return string
       public static function clean_entities($fragment)
         $translite_simbols = array (  
           ) ;  
           $replace = array (  
           ) ;  
           $fragment = preg_replace($translite_simbols, $replace, $fragment);  
           $fragment = preg_replace(self::CLEAN_URL_REGEX, '-', strip_tags($fragment));
           $fragment = trim(preg_replace('#-+#', '-', $fragment), '-');
         return $fragment;
       // New function, VBIV-11727
       protected function addArgument(&$arguments, $var, $value)
         if (is_array($value))
           foreach ($value AS $arraykey => $arrayval)
             $this->addArgument($arguments, $var . "[$arraykey]", $arrayval);
           $arguments[$var] = $value;
        * Renders the pageinfo query string.
        * Vars that are included in the main uri should be defined in $ignorelist so
        * they can be skipped.
        * @return string
       protected function get_query()
         $arguments = array();
         // Add session argument if settings require it
         if (!($this->urloptions & SEO_NOSESSION) AND isset($this->registry->session) AND $this->registry->session->visible)
           $arguments['s'] = $this->registry->session->vars['dbsessionhash'];
         // Add any arguments that are not already displayed as part of friendly url
         if (!empty($this->pageinfo) AND is_array($this->pageinfo))
           foreach ($this->pageinfo AS $var => $value)
             if (!$this->skip_query_var($var, false))
               $this->addArgument($arguments, $var, $value); // VBIV-11727
         // Check ampersand to use
         $amp = ($this->urloptions & SEO_JS) ? '&' : '&amp;';
         $arguments = implode_both('=', $amp, $arguments);
         return $arguments;
        * Checks whether to ignore a pageinfo element when building the uri.
        * @param string $key             - The key of the var to check
        * @param bool $skip_pageinfo         - Whether to skip current pageinfo
        * @return bool                 - Whether to skip the argument
       protected function skip_query_var($key, $skip_pageinfo = true)
         if (in_array($key, $this->ignorelist) OR ($skip_pageinfo AND isset($this->pageinfo[$key])))
           return true;
         return false;
        * Returns only the uri.
        * Setting $canonical gets the uri without encoding it for output.
        * @see vB_Friendly_Url::redirect_canonical_url()
        * @param bool $canonical               - If true, don't encode for output
        * @return string
       public function get_uri($canonical = false)
         if (isset($this->uri) AND !$canonical)
           return $this->uri;
         if (!$this->always_route AND (FRIENDLY_URL_OFF == $this->registry->options['friendlyurl']))
           return false;
         return $this->uri = $this->clean_fragment($this->id . '-' . $this->title, $canonical);
        * Sets the uri from the current request.
       protected function consume_request_uri()
         // Ensure the request was parsed
         $this->uri = self::$request_uri;
         $this->id = $_GET[$this->idvar];
        * Adds pageinfo from the current request's query string.
       protected function consume_request_pageinfo($clean = false)
         // Ensure the request was parsed
         // Get the query string
         if (!VB_URL_QUERY)
         parse_str(VB_URL_QUERY, $query);
         // If using FRIENDLY_URL_BASIC ignore the first query var that was requested as it is the uri
         // Build the pageinfo from the query string
         foreach ($query AS $key => $value)
           if (!$this->skip_query_var($key))
             if ($clean)
               $key = $this->registry->input->xss_clean($key);
               $value = $this->registry->input->xss_clean($value);
             $this->pageinfo[$key] = $value;
        * Parses the uri from the current request.
        * This method also sets FRIENDLY_URL as the detected method and applies the
        * results to $_REQUEST and $_GET.
       public function parse_request_uri()
         // Check if we have already defined the request method
         if (self::$parsed_request)
         // Mark the request as parsed
         self::$parsed_request = true;
         // Check if script uses friendly urls
         if (!$this->is_eligible())
           define('FRIENDLY_URL', FRIENDLY_URL_OFF);
         // Initialise resolution vars
         $method = $uri = false;
         // Get the requested path info
         $rewrite = false;
         // Check if script is in the uri
         if (stripos(VB_URL_CLEAN, $this->script) !== false)
           // if the primaryvar was requested then we're not using friendly urls
           if (isset($_GET[$this->idvar]))
             $method = FRIENDLY_URL_OFF;
             // Get raw uri for 'always_route' friendlies
             if ($this->always_route)
               $pat_off = preg_quote($this->script, '#') . '\?' . preg_quote($this->idvar, '#') . '=([^=]*)(?:\?|&|$)';
               $matches = array();
               if (preg_match("#$pat_off#sui", VB_URL_CLEAN, $matches))
                 $uri = $matches[1];
               // the friendly will build the uri from the parsed query
               $uri = false;
             // Check for BASIC and ADVANCED
             $pat_basic = preg_quote($this->script, '#') . '\?([^=]*)(?:\?|&|$)';
             $pat_advanced = preg_quote($this->script, '#') . '/([^\?]*)';
             $matches = array();
             if (preg_match("#$pat_basic#si", VB_URL_CLEAN, $matches))
               $method = FRIENDLY_URL_BASIC;
               $uri = $matches[1];
             else if (preg_match("#$pat_advanced#i", VB_URL_CLEAN, $matches))
               $method = FRIENDLY_URL_ADVANCED;
               $uri = $matches[1];
           // Check for REWRITE
           $pat_rewrite = '(?:' . preg_quote($this->rewrite_segment, '#') . '/)*' . preg_quote($this->rewrite_segment, '#') . '/([^\?]*|$)';
           if (preg_match("#$pat_rewrite#sui", VB_URL_CLEAN, $matches))
             $method = FRIENDLY_URL_REWRITE;
             $uri = $matches[1];
         // Check if we didn't detect a method
         if (!$method)
           $method = FRIENDLY_URL_OFF;
         // Set the decoded uri
         self::$request_uri = urldecode($uri);
         // Define the resolved friendly url method
         define('FRIENDLY_URL', $method);
         // If friendly url is off then there's nothing more to do
         // Remove the request uri from the query string
         // Fix a known issue with apache
         if (is_server('apache') AND isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']))
         // Set the request based on the decoded fragment
         if ($this->always_route)
           $_REQUEST[$this->idvar] = $_GET[$this->idvar] = self::$request_uri;
         $this->registry->input->convert_shortvars($_GET, true);
        * Render the friendly url.
        * @example
        *    FRIENDLY_URL_OFF
        *   showthread.php?t=1234&p=2
        *   showthread.php?1234-Thread-Title/page2&pp=2
        *   showthread.php/1234-Thread-Title/page2?pp=2
        *   /threads/1234-Thread-Title/page2?pp=2
        *   RewriteRule ^/vb4/threads/([0-9]+)(?:/?$|(?:-[^/]+))(?:/?$|(?:/page([0-9]+)?)) /vb4/showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [QSA]
        * @param int $method_override         - Force a Friendly URL method
        * @param bool $canonical           - Whether to skip encoding for output
        * @return string
       public function get_url($method_override = false, $canonical = false)
         // Get the fragments
         $uri = $this->get_uri($canonical);
         // Check ampersand to use
         $amp = ($this->urloptions & SEO_JS) ? '&' : '&amp;';
         // Get the pageinfo arguments
         $query = $this->get_query();
         // Resolve method
         $method = (false !== $method_override) ? $method_override : $this->registry->options['friendlyurl'];
         if ($method == FRIENDLY_URL_REWRITE)
           $base = $this->rewrite_segment;
           $base = $this->script;
         //this is a nasty workaround, but we have to do it.  Instead of dealing with the base option
         //and forcing the full url after we construct the url, do it before.  The reason is that
         //create_full_url can deal poorly with UTF characters encoded as &#xxxx; in the url (because it contains
         //'#'.  This may happen in friendly urls when the title contains UTF characters in this format.  
         if ($this->script_base_option_name AND $this->registry->options[$this->script_base_option_name])
           $base = $this->registry->options[$this->script_base_option_name] . '/' . $base;
         if ($this->urloptions & SEO_FULLURL)
           $base = create_full_url($base, (bool) ($this->urloptions & SEO_FULLURL_FORCEBBURL));
         // Get the appropriate url
         switch ($method)
           case FRIENDLY_URL_BASIC:
             $sep = '?';
             $query_sep = $amp;
             //if we don't have a uri part, then switch around the seperators so the url still works.
             if (!$uri)
               $sep = '';
               $query_sep = '?';
             $url = $base . $sep . $uri . ($query ? $query_sep . $query : '');
           case FRIENDLY_URL_ADVANCED:
             $url = $base . ($uri ? '/' : '') . $uri . ($query ? '?' . $query : '');
           case FRIENDLY_URL_REWRITE:
             $url = $base . ($uri ? '/' : '') . $uri . ($query ? '?' . $query : '');
           case FRIENDLY_URL_OFF:
             $fullquery = array();
             if ($this->id)
               $fullquery[] = $this->idvar . '=' . $this->id;
             if ($this->page > 1)
               $fullquery[] =  $this->pagevar . '=' . $this->page;
             if ($query)
               $fullquery[] = $query;
             $fullquery = implode($amp, $fullquery);
             $url = $base . ($fullquery ? '?' : '') . $fullquery;
         if (class_exists('vBulletinHook', false))
           ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('friendlyurl_geturl')) ? eval($hook) : false;
         return $url;
        * Redirects to our url if the given uri is not canonical.
        * @param string $request_uri         - The current uri to check
       public function redirect_canonical_url($request_uri)
         // Never redirect a post
         if ('GET' != $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])
         // Allow hooks to handle non canonical urls
         ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('friendlyurl_redirect_canonical')) ? eval($hook) : false;
         // Check if canonical enforcement is enabled
         if (self::CANON_OFF == $this->registry->options['friendlyurl_canonical'] OR VB_API)
         // Only redirect guests and search engines
         if ($this->registry->userinfo['userid'] AND !$this->registry->options['friendlyurl_canonical_registered'])
         // Get the canonical uri
         if (!isset($canonical_uri))
           // Get the canonical uri
           $canonical_uri = $this->get_uri(true);
         // Whether the request was canonical
         $canonical = true;
         // Check Friendly URL method
         if (FRIENDLY_URL != $this->registry->options['friendlyurl'])
           $canonical = false;
         // Check URI
         if ($canonical AND (self::CANON_STRICT == $this->registry->options['friendlyurl_canonical']))
           if ($request_uri != $canonical_uri)
             $canonical = false;
             // request may have been in the current charset, try UTF-8.
             if ($canonical_uri == to_utf8($request_uri, $this->registry->userinfo['lang_charset']))
               $canonical = true;
             // request may have been in UTF-8, try current charset
             if ($request_uri == to_utf8($canonical_uri, $this->registry->userinfo['lang_charset']))
               $canonical = true;
         parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $args);
         if ($this->registry->options['friendlyurl'] != FRIENDLY_URL_OFF AND (isset($args[$this->pagevar]) OR isset($args[$this->idkey])))
           $canonical = false;
         if ($this->registry->options['friendlyurl'] == FRIENDLY_URL_OFF AND !$canonical_uri)
           if (isset($this->pagevar))
             $this->ignorelist[] = $this->pagevar;
             if ($this->pagevar == 'page')
               $this->ignorelist[] = 'pagenumber';
           if (($this->page > 1 AND $args[$this->pagevar] != $this->page) OR ($this->page == 1 AND isset($args[$this->pagevar])))
             $canonical = false;
           $canonical = ($canonical AND !array_intersect(array_values($this->registry->input->shortvars), array_keys($args)));
         // Redirect if incorrect
         if (!$canonical)
           // add the request query string to the pageinfo
           // redirect url must be raw
           $url = $this->get_url(false, true);
           $code = 301;
           // workaround for goto
           if (defined('THREADNEXT'))
             $url = str_replace('&goto=nextnewest', '', str_replace('&goto=nextoldest', '',
                 str_replace('?goto=nextnewest', '', str_replace('?goto=nextoldest', '', $url))));
             $code = 303;
           // if its pointing to a post, add the anchor.
           if ($args['p'])
             $url .= '#post'.$args['p'];
           // redirect to the correct url
           exec_header_redirect($url, $code);
        * Set the request based on the given uri.
        * @see vB_Friendly_Url::decode_friendly_url()
        * The fragment given here is already decoded and should be used as is.
        * @param string $uri
       protected function set_request($uri)
         // Set the request based on the given uri
         $pat = '#^(\d+)#si';
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match($pat, $uri, $matches))
           $_REQUEST[$this->idvar] = $_GET[$this->idvar] = $matches[1];
        * Removes bad $_GET variables that may be set by apache when using mod_rewrite.
        * @see
        * When using mod_rewrite, the fragment is urldecoded before the QS is appended
        * to the rewritten url.  If the fragment contains & then $_GET will be
        * corrupted.
        * This method checks the correct uri and resolves the correct values for $_GET.
        * @param string $fragment           - The decoded fragment
       public function fix_query_string($uri)
         static $fixed = false;
         if ($fixed)
         $fixed = true;
         // Probably also need to return if this is not apache
         $uri = parse_url($uri);
         $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $uri['query'];
         $_REQUEST = array_diff($_REQUEST, array_diff($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE));
         $_GET = array();
         if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])
           // Get the query string
           parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $query);
           $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $query);
           $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_GET);
       public function getScript()
         return $this->script;
       public function getRewriteSegment()
         return $this->rewrite_segment;
        * Fetches a friendly name for a FRIENDLY_URL method.
        * Note: This is only for debugging so the names are unphrased.
        * @param int $method             - The method to fetch a name for
        * @return string               - The friendly name
       public static function getMethodName($method)
         static $methods = array(
           FRIENDLY_URL_OFF => 'Off',
           FRIENDLY_URL_BASIC => 'Basic',
           FRIENDLY_URL_ADVANCED => 'Advanced',
           FRIENDLY_URL_REWRITE => 'Rewrite'
         return (isset($methods[$method])) ? $methods[$method] : 'Unknown (' . $method . ')';
        *   Return the friendly url type used to access the current page.
        *   If we didn't use the friendly url, then we'll return FRIENDLY_URL_OFF
        *   This is available from a public define, but I'd like to move away from
        *   the use of magic defines and keep things a behind interfaces.
        *   The results of this function are not valid until after bootstrap (specifically
        *   the port of bootstrap where we deal with parsing SEO Friendly links).
       public static function getMethodUsed()
         if (!defined('FRIENDLY_URL'))
           return FRIENDLY_URL_OFF;
           return FRIENDLY_URL;
     * Base class for paged friendly urls.
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    abstract class vB_Friendly_Url_Paged extends vB_Friendly_Url
        * The request var to use for the page number.
        * @var string
       protected $pagevar = 'page';
        * The current page.
        * @var int
       protected $page;
        * Checks whether to ignore a pageinfo element when building the uri.
        * @param string $argument           - The argument to check
        * @param bool $skip_pageinfo         - Whether to skip current pageinfo
        * @return bool                 - Whether to skip the argument
       protected function skip_query_var($argument, $skip_pageinfo = true)
         if (in_array($argument, array('page', 'pagenumber')))
           if ($this->registry->options['friendlyurl'] != FRIENDLY_URL_OFF)
             return true;
         return parent::skip_query_var($argument, $skip_pageinfo);
        * Sets the pageinfo properties.
        * @param array mixed $pageinfo
       protected function set_pageinfo(array $pageinfo)
         if (isset($pageinfo['pagenumber']))
           $this->page = $pageinfo['pagenumber'];
         else if (isset($pageinfo['page']))
           $this->page = $pageinfo['page'];
         $this->page = max(0, intval($this->page));
         $this->pageinfo = $pageinfo;
         // Unset the uri as it's changed
        * Gets all of the fragments for the uri.
        * @param bool $canonical               - If true, don't encode for output
        * @return string
       public function get_uri($canonical = false)
         if (isset($this->uri) AND !$canonical)
           return $this->uri;
         if (!$this->always_route AND (FRIENDLY_URL_OFF == $this->registry->options['friendlyurl']))
           return false;
         $this->uri = $this->clean_fragment($this->id . '-' . $this->title, $canonical) . (($this->page > 1)? '/page' . $this->page : '');
         return $this->uri;
        * Set the request based on the given uri.
        * @see vB_Friendly_Url::decode_friendly_url()
        * @param string $uri
       protected function set_request($uri)
         $pat = '#^(\d+).*?(?:/page(\d+)|$)#si';
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match($pat, $uri, $matches))
           $_REQUEST[$this->idvar] = $_GET[$this->idvar] = $matches[1];
           if ($matches[2])
             $_REQUEST[$this->pagevar] = $_GET[$this->pagevar] = intval($matches[2]);
     * Friendly URL class to use for errors.
     * This is used when an appropriate class could not be resolved.
     * @see vB_Friendly_Url::fetchLibrary()
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Error
       * Constructor
       * @return   void
       public function __construct($link)
         $this->link = $link;
       * Generic error
       * @return   string
       public function output()
         global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;
         if ($vbulletin->debug)
           return construct_phrase($vbphrase['invalid_link_type'], htmlspecialchars_uni($this->link));
         return '';
     * Friendly URL for showthread.php
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Thread extends vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
        * The request variable for the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idvar = 't';
        * Link info index of the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idkey = 'threadid';
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array('t', 'threadid');
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script = 'showthread.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
        * The segment of the uri that identifies this type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment = 'baiviet';
     * Friendly URL for showpost.php
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Post extends vB_Friendly_Url
        * The request variable for the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idvar = 'p';
        * Link info index of the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idkey = 'postid';
        * Link info index of the title.
        * @var string
       protected $titlekey = 'title';
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array('p', 'postid', 'title');
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script = 'showpost.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
        * The segment of the uri that identifies this type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment = 'post';
     * Friendly URL for member.php
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Member extends vB_Friendly_Url
        * The request variable for the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idvar = 'u';
        * Link info index of the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idkey = 'userid';
        * Link info index of the title.
        * @var string
       protected $titlekey = 'username';
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array('u', 'userid', 'username');
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script = 'member.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
        * The segment of the uri that identifies this type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment = 'members';
     * Friendly URL for forumdisplay.php
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Forum extends vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
        * The request variable for the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idvar = 'f';
        * Link info index of the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idkey = 'forumid';
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array('f', 'forumid');
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script = 'forumdisplay.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
        * The segment of the uri that identifies this type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment = 'forums';
     *   Base class for Url classes that are intended to generate urls only
     *   This is a bit of a hack, but the avantages outweigh the disadvantages
     *  The idea is to centralize some url generation that has gotten more complex
     *  with the ability to move some portions of the app into subdirectories.
     *  We need some way of capturing the generation logic in a central location and
     *  rather than create another one, it seemed like a good fit to make it part of
     *  the friendly urls generation. 1) To avoid having yet another similar system,
     *  2) This will automatically allow access to the feature in templates, 3) If
     *  we decide we need to make fully SEO friendly urls out of these links we are
     *  partway there already. 4) Prevents somebody from accidentally leaving out
     *  portions of the logic on a link -- for example forgetting the forum_url path
     *  logic on a forum link or the forumhome script option on the forumhome link.
     *  It may be confusing having these be special -- they do not generate anything
     *  but basic urls and the pages (and the rewrite scripts) are not set up to handle them
     *  if they did generate those urls (though in the cases where there aren't any page
     *  parameters only the rewrite url is appreciably different).  If somebody attempts to
     *  allow generation of the other url types without upgrading the entry pages to
     *  friendly url status stuff will break.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly extends vB_Friendly_Url
       public function get_url($method_override = false, $canonical = false)
         return parent::get_url(FRIENDLY_URL_OFF, $canonical);
       public function redirect_canonical_url($request_uri)
         //Internal error, should never happen.  Probably doesn't need to be phrased.
         throw new Exception("Invalid request.  Url class for url generation only.");
       //The SEO url classes do two things
       //1) Generate urls for various pages in line with the SEO url options.
       //2) Read in the url and parse out the parameters for a particular page
       //There isn't anything that tells the class which action it needs to do, this is
       //determined by whether or not the page info array is provided to the class --
       //the assumption is that all urls will need page info and if its not passed it
       //should be read from the url.
       //Its also implicit that only one type of url -- the one for the page we are loading --
       //should ever parse the request object.  So we store the parsed information once on
       //the base class and share that among all SEO url instances.
       //We violate the first assumion when we add generation only urls that do not require
       //page info to render.  It looks at the empty page info and decides it needs to parse the
       //URI values.  However if it does this prior to the place where we handle this in the proper
       //location it will set incorrect information to those parameters and the real call will
       //use those instead of doing the proper parsing.  Since any url without page parameters
       //are going to be generation only -- there isn't anything to parse, we can work around this
       //by disabling the parse in those classes.
       //Long term we should figure out a better way to seperate out the URI load vs the url generation
       //use cases.
       public function consume_request_uri()
     * Friendly URL for forumhome.php
     * @package vBulletin * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Forumhome extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $ignorelist = array();
       protected $script = 'forum.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
       protected $rewrite_segment = '';
       protected function __construct(
         array $linkinfo = null,
         array $pageinfo = null,
         $idkey = false,
         $titlekey = false,
         $urloptions = 0
         $this->script = $registry->options['forumhome'] . ".php";
         parent::__construct($registry, $linkinfo, $pageinfo, $idkey, $titlekey, $urloptions);
     * Friendly URL for "edit post" links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Editpost extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 'p';
       protected $idkey = 'postid';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'editpost.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
     * Friendly URL for "new reply" links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Newreply extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'newreply.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Poll extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 'pollid';
       protected $idkey = 'pollid';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'poll.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Posting extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'postings.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Threadprint extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 't';
       protected $idkey = 'threadid';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'printthread.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Subscription extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'subscription.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
     * Friendly URL for group links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Group extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 'groupid';
       protected $idkey = 'groupid';
       protected $titlekey = 'name';
       protected $ignorelist = array('groupid');
       protected $script = 'group.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
     * Friendly URL for group category links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Groupcategory extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 'cat';
       protected $idkey = 'socialgroupcategoryid';
       protected $titlekey = 'categoryname';
       protected $ignorelist = array('cat');
       protected $script = 'group.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
     * Friendly URL for group home links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Grouphome extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'group.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
     * Friendly URL for group discussion links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Groupdiscussion extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 'discussionid';
       protected $idkey = 'discussionid';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'group.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
       protected function __construct(
         array $linkinfo = null,
         array $pageinfo = null,
         $idkey = false,
         $titlekey = false,
         $urloptions = 0
         if (!$pageinfo)
           $pageinfo = array();
         if (!isset($pageinfo['do']))
           $pageinfo['do'] = 'discuss';
         parent::__construct($registry, $linkinfo, $pageinfo, $idkey, $titlekey, $urloptions);
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Groupsub extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'groupsubscription.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
     * Friendly URL for group discussion links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Groupmessage extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 'gmid';
       protected $idkey = 'gmid';
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $script = 'group.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbforum_url';
       protected function __construct(
         array $linkinfo = null,
         array $pageinfo = null,
         $idkey = false,
         $titlekey = false,
         $urloptions = 0
         if (!$pageinfo)
           $pageinfo = array();
         if (!isset($pageinfo['do']))
           $pageinfo['do'] = 'discuss';
         parent::__construct($registry, $linkinfo, $pageinfo, $idkey, $titlekey, $urloptions);
     * Blog Url
     * Friendly URL for blog.php
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Blog extends vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
        * The request variable for the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idvar = 'u';
        * Link info index of the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idkey = 'userid';
        * Link info index of the title.
        * @var string
       protected $titlekey = 'blog_title';
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array('u', 'userid', 'b', 'blogid');
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script = 'blog.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
        * The segment of the uri that identifies this type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment = 'blogs';
     * Friendly URL for entry.php
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Entry extends vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
        * The request variable for the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idvar = 'b';
        * Link info index of the resource id.
        * @var string
       protected $idkey = 'blogid';
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array('b', 'blogid');
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script = 'entry.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
        * The segment of the uri that identifies this type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment = 'entries';
     * Friendly URL for "blog home" links (blog.php links that don't reference a specific user's blog
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Bloghome extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
        * Note that if we ever want to make this something other than generation only
        * (or to have the generation only class attempt to use any url mode other then
        * FRIENDLY_URL_OFF) we have a potential problem.  Any urls built by this class
        * will be read/parsed by vB_Friendly_Url_Blog since that is the class specified
        * by blog.php, so there is some asymetry there.  It will probably work anyway, based
        * on the similarity of the two classes, but that's a good way for things to break
        * mysteriously when future changes are made.
        * I'm doing it anyway because
        * 1) The asymetry is implicitly in the system as is, its just less clear because
        *      the urls not handled by vB_Friendly_Url_Blog aren't currently centralized.
        * 2) Trying to make the current full SEO classes handle urls that don't have
        *  the expected id/title values feel like a big can labeled worms.  If we
        *  want to make these classes do more than generated the old style urls
        *  there is going to be quite a bit of work involved and we can do most of
        *     behind the interface we have if needs be (for example if make vB_Friendly_Url_Blog
        *     handle everything and make this class a clone of vB_Friendly_Url_Blog then we'll
        *     have cleaned that up without changing any code outside of this file).
        * 3) Blog.php conceptually handles too much (which is possibly the root of the
        *  problem leading to the existance of this class).  We may want to split that
        *  out into new files (or url based actions) which would also resolve the tension.
        * Also note that we don't have vB_Friendly_Url_Paged in the loop for this class.  That
        * implements some special handling of paging variables that we don't need and trying
        * to include it would seriously complicate our inheritance.
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $script = 'blog.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
     * Friendly URL for "blog subscription" links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Blogsub extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $script = 'blog_subscription.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
     * Friendly URL for "blog subscription" links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Blogusercp extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $script = 'blog_usercp.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
     * Friendly URL for "blog callback" links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Blogcallback extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $script = 'blog_callback.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
     * Friendly URL for "blog post" links
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Blogpost extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $titlekey = '';
       protected $idkey = '';
       protected $script = 'blog_post.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
     * Friendly URL for forumhome.php
     * @package vBulletin * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_Blogcustompage extends vB_Friendly_Url_GenerationOnly
       protected $idvar = 'cp';
       protected $idkey = 'customblockid';
       protected $ignorelist = array('cp', 'customblockid');
       protected $script = 'blog.php';
       protected $script_base_option_name = 'vbblog_url';
       protected $rewrite_segment = 'blogs';
     *   CMS Friendly urls
     * Friendly URL for vBCms
     * @TODO: Resolve the properties automatically.
     * @package vBulletin
     * @author vBulletin Development Team
     * @version $Revision: 32878 $
     * @since $Date: 2009-10-28 18:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009) $
     * @copyright vBulletin Solutions Inc.
    class vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms extends vB_Friendly_Url
        * Array of pageinfo vars to ignore when building the uri.
        * @var array string
       protected $ignorelist = array();
        * The name of the script that the URL links to.
        * @var string
       protected $script;
        * The segment of the uri that identifies this type.
        * @var string
       protected $rewrite_segment;
        * Whether to use the friendly uri in POST requests.
        * @var bool
       protected $parse_post = true;
        * Whether to always set the route, even if friendly urls are off.
        * @var bool
       protected $always_route = true;
        * Constructor.
        * @param vB_Registry $registry         - Reference to the vBulletin registry
        * @param array $linkinfo           - Info about the link, the id, title etc
        * @param array $pageinfo           - Additional info about the required request; pagenumber and query string
        * @param string $idkey             - Override the key in $linkinfo for the resource id
        * @param string $titlekey           - Override the key in $linkinfo for the resource title
        * @param int $urloptions           - Bitfield of environment options SEO_NOSESSION, SEO_JS, etc
       protected function __construct(&$registry, array $linkinfo = null, array $pageinfo = null, $idkey = false, $titlekey = false, $urloptions = 0)
         $this->idvar = $this->ignorelist[] = $registry->options['route_requestvar'];
         $this->script = basename(SCRIPT);
         list($this->rewrite_segment) = explode('.',$this->script);
         parent::__construct($registry, $linkinfo, $pageinfo, $idkey, $titlekey, $urloptions);
    || ####################################################################
    || #
    || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 27657 $
    || ####################################################################
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